MS Principal's Message
John Edinger
Principal MS
Welcome back to school! I hope you have had a relaxing summer and have rejuvenated the batteries for another great school year! As the school year approaches, it is obvious that the summer crew has been working hard in getting the building ready, our teachers are returning to the building to work their magic to create a fun, engaging learning environment. All we need now are the students!
For the school to be successful and have our students reach their highest potential, they will need support from home and school. Therefore, I ask that parents and students review the student handbook (found on-line). Our goal is for every student to feel safe, to learn, to reach their fullest potential, and to have fun! I am blessed to have a great school family of Teachers, Secretaries, Support Staff, Fellow Administrators, Counselors, Nurse, Custodians, Café Staff, Bus Drivers, Parents/Guardians. I believe we have all grown to appreciate each other's commitment to children. I pray that we continue to grow together, find some peace, and that we all continue to work as a team.
I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Back-To-School Fair on Monday, August 28th! Don’t forget that school pictures are taken on this day so dress appropriately.
Here are some bullet points for our re-opening:
Agenda Books – just like last year, there will be no agenda books this year. All handbook information can be found on our school website at
Lockers – will be provided as usual - locks will not be provided but can be issued upon request. We ask that if you use a lock, please use ours.
Backpacks (New) - We will not allow students to carry backpacks from class to class as we have in the past. They can bring them to school and put them in their provided locker. The backpacks have become trip hazards in the classroom.
Arrival to school – Doors will open at 7:25 a.m. - students will either go to breakfast or 1st period when entering the building
Water Bottles – Only water will be allowed during the school day.
Attendance – if your child will be absent or leaving during school hours, please call/email Billie at 419-647-4112 x3103 or If your child is leaving during school hours, a written request or phone call is to be submitted to the school office prior to dismissal. The school office must be notified by a parent/guardian for dismissal of the student during school hours. Personal texts or social media outlets will not be accepted.
Hall of F.A.M.E. The Hall of FAME will continue! FAME stands for Family, Accountable, Mindful, Energy. Every student will be assigned a “school parent” from the Middle School Staff. Each “parent” will have a family consisting of a mix of 5th-8th grade students. The “school parent” responsibilities will include:
Monitoring grades/attendance/behavior of their “children”
Leading family time discussions (periodically through the year)
Be available to have individual discussions
The Pride Program will also continue in the Middle School. Students will be allowed “recess” time on designated days if all their homework/classwork is up to date. This “recess” time would be during study hall.
Dress Code: As you shop for school clothes, please keep in mind the dress code. Students should dress comfortably and appropriately for school. The complete dress code can be found in the handbook, but here are a few bullets:
No hats/hoodies once they enter the building.
No inappropriate images and/or language on clothing.
Fingertip rule – shorts, dresses, holes in pants must be “fingertip length”. A student should be able to stand straight, arms by their side, and not have their fingertips reach past their clothing. Any hole above the fingertip must be covered.
Leggings are allowed with a top of appropriate length for coverage.
If you feel anything is inappropriate to wear to wear to school, then don’t. I appreciate your attention and cooperation.
MS/HS Student Drop-off and Pick-up: Students who will be dropped off and/or picked up at school by vehicle will use the front entrance. Please keep this moving smoothly. If you are waiting for pick-up, please move up as far as possible to not hold up the line. We ask that no cars park in the lane between the school and weightroom. Thanks in advance for being patient and safe.
Football Games: Just like last year, we ask that fans come to the game and be great spectators and cheer on the teams. For the safety of all fans, footballs are prohibited to be brought to games by fans. Also, seating will be designated for the students, the same as last year.
Parents: The number one factor in your son or daughter’s education is YOU! Support from home is critical. To me things are very simple to be a successful student: show up with a great attitude, treat people kindly, do what is expected, and prepare to learn! These things cost nothing to implement and require zero talent! I ask you:
Make time for daily chats about school
Don’t accept “Nothing” when you ask your child “What did you learn today?”
Check that homework is complete – Progressbook is a great tool for this. Parents have access to Progressbook to check grades, missing assignments, attendance.
Support the school, become familiar with the school policies.
“The best inheritance a parent can give their children is a few minutes of their time each day.” –O. A. Battista
Bottom line be involved! I have always said, the most difficult yet rewarding job of all is being a parent. Don’t assume that once they are in middle school, they don’t need your involvement. They do! The entire faculty and staff are looking forward to welcoming your children back. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children. My goal is open communication between students, parents, staff, and myself. I ask that if you ever have a concern/question, please contact the school directly for information. Social media can be a great tool for information, yet some people use it as a venting ground without specifics. This may lead to unexpected confusion. Please know that your child is important to us.
Have a safe and happy school year! I can be reached at 419-647-4112 x 3500 or email